How to deal with the feeling of giving up?

Hey, fellow friend and coder, throughout your journey as a beginning software developer, you most likely have or will face moments where you want to give up.

This feeling is normal and doesn’t make you anything but more human.

I had these thoughts a lot in the beginning because the journey was difficult, especially if you don’t have access to the right resources and mentors.

There were moments when I was super angry because I couldn’t figure out how to write code.

So, how can you get over this feeling as a developer?

Whenever I wanted to give up, I kept telling myself “that the suffering and struggle I face today will compound into great success in the future.”

Telling yourself will boost your confidence and dedication because it reminds you that your struggle and suffering are only temporary.

I hope this message helped you out ๐Ÿ™‚

Your friend: Michiel (I Love Writing Code) Arkema


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