Does this sound familiar? You’ve sat behind a computer screen the entire day and now you have a headache. Well look no further because if you read this post till the end, you’ll discover exactly how to get rid of it.
What is Computer Screen Headache?
Computer Screen Headache is caused when you sit behind a computer screen for a long time without taking any appropriate breaks. Software developers generally suffer a lot from this because we tend to become fixated on our screens once we start writing code, haha.

How To Avoid Computer Screen Headache?
All humans are not the same (obviously), some tend to get headaches after a few hours and others can sit behind a screen during the entire day without any.
The simplest way to avoid Computer Screen headaches is by taking regular breaks by going away from the computer screen. I usually split my work into sessions of 90 minutes max, then after each session, I take a 20-minute break by doing something completely different that doesn’t require any screens or heavy cognitive function from the brain.
Using Meditation To Get Rid Of It
Following the advice above, it will most likely decrease your screen headache drastically, but not entirely. The method I use personally is meditation.
After my working hours are over, I meditate for 15 minutes and it will remove the entire headache plus the heavy feeling that I have after each working day.