motivation Archives - Michiel Arkema's Blog The Official blog of Michiel Arkema Mon, 27 Feb 2023 13:52:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214496708 The #1 Secret To Achieve Every Goal You’re setting Mon, 27 Feb 2023 13:52:30 +0000 Let’s be clear if you do not set explicit goals. Then you will never achieve your goals or live the life that you want. But just because you set goals,…

The post The #1 Secret To Achieve Every Goal You’re setting appeared first on Michiel Arkema's Blog.

Let’s be clear if you do not set explicit goals. Then you will never achieve your goals or live the life that you want.

But just because you set goals, doesn’t mean that you will achieve them either. So that’s why when you read this post till the end, you will know exactly what to do in order to achieve every single goal that you’re setting.

Aligning your mind with your goals

Once you have a clear image of what your goals are and what your life will be like in the future, the next step that you have to take is visualizing it.

Now as soon as I used the term “visualizing”, you are probably thinking about “Oh the law of attraction”.

Well the law of attraction does include visualizations but it makes you believe that you can achieve anything by just “imagining” it. This cannot be further from the truth, nothing will happen unless you take action upon it.

So the way that visualizing will work is to start taking action upon what you visualize so that you can achieve it.

Let me give you an example of how to visualize.

How to visualize?

The first step is to make sure that you’re alone in a room and nobody is going to disturb you for the next 5-10 minutes.

Step #2 – Take a comfortable position (preferably sitting) on either your bed or a chair. Close your eyes and take 4 deep breaths where you wait 3 seconds before exhalation and 2 seconds before the next inhalation. Upon each exhalation, loosen your muscles in your body.

This short but effective breathing exercise will put your body in a more calming and relaxing state of mind, which is super important for the next steps.

Step #3 – Now picture yourself living your dream life, or perhaps, having your dream career.

For example, if you want to work as a software developer for a big company, visualize yourself sitting behind the desk working on the computer. Make sure that your image is crystal clear so that it looks real.

Do this for the next 2-3 minutes before moving over to step four.

Step #4 – Now imagine yourself standing in front of a mirror and looking at your reflection. realize the achievements you made and the goals you conquered, smile at yourself, and be happy with the way you are living and your career.

If done correctly, you will feel a rush of happiness flow throughout your body. Use that happiness to move over to step five.

Step #5 – Now go back to the same visualization as you had during the third step but now, take that happiness from the previous step and put it into your current visualization. Feel the happiness that you’re having when you sit behind that desk, or when you’re standing on the balcony of your dream house.

You need to truly feel and live the experience like it’s actually true.

After doing this for around 3-5 minutes, you can open your eyes.

Why is visualization so crucial for your success?

Have you ever relived an happy or sad memory of something that you’ve experience in the past?

Well if so, you either probably got really sad or super happy about it. But you see, that’s where the magic lays. Your mind is the most powerful tool that every human being on planet earth posses, if you want, you can literally change your mood within a split second by just visualizing a happy or sad memory.

Now here’s the kicker, you can do the same thing but for visualizing how your dream life would look like if you achieve all your goals. By putting an image in your brain that looks so real, your subconscious mind thinks that it’s the actual life that you are living in the current moment.

That way, your body will start to take the action that it needs to life that live.

How do I know that this works?

That’s a funny story since I used to do it without knowing that it was called “visualization”. I always used to visualize myself becoming a professional software developer and getting multiple internships at specific government facilities in my country.

And guess what? everything that I visualized, I achieved every single one of.

That’s the power of visualization.

How not to visualize…

One of the biggest mistakes that people make while visualizing is that they visualize their journey.

But you must not do that, instead, you must visualize the moment when you’ve achieved your goals and are living your dream life or having your dream career.

I hope you find this post useful and if you did, leave a comment behind explaining how.

And remember, your dream career is closer than you think it is.

Michiel Out!

Oh and btw, if you want to join the confident coders community, join the Facebook group here

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Your Self-Belief Dictates Your Success! Mon, 13 Feb 2023 10:16:42 +0000 Your self-belief is the most important part of becoming successful and achieving your goals in life. This is because your mind dictates the way you feel and behave, and if…

The post Your Self-Belief Dictates Your Success! appeared first on Michiel Arkema's Blog.

Your self-belief is the most important part of becoming successful and achieving your goals in life. This is because your mind dictates the way you feel and behave, and if you feel bad, then you’ll behave unproductive.

A simple trick to upgrade your self-belief

The simple trick I use daily is by telling myself that I can and will achieve my dream goals in life, and that I will get whatever I want no matter what it is.

Of course, for this to work, you need to have confidence in yourself and it must align 100% with what you want out of life.

Dealing with your environment

Of course, each of our environments is different and it will influence the size of your obstacles and your dreams, but if you 100% believe that you can and will achieve something no matter what it takes then you will succeed in life.

So I hope that this motivational post inspired you to chase your goals so you can finally achieve them.

Michiel Out!

Oh and btw, and I recently opened my first-ever coaching program to the public and I’m super excited about it. That’s why I’ve decided to allow the first 5 people who join to get FREE coaching, no strings attached.

You check out the program here:

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How To Avoid Losing Interest In Coding Mon, 30 Jan 2023 10:50:36 +0000 If you’ve been writing code for a few months or years, you most likely had moments where you felt like you lost interest in coding. Understand that this is completely…

The post How To Avoid Losing Interest In Coding appeared first on Michiel Arkema's Blog.

If you’ve been writing code for a few months or years, you most likely had moments where you felt like you lost interest in coding. Understand that this is completely normal, in fact, I’ve had the same happening for me a few times.

That’s why if you read the entire post, you’ll exactly discover what to do when you lose interest in coding.

Let’s get started…

Why did you lose interest in the first place?

Well assuming that writing code is your passion, it probably means that you’ve been writing code every single day. Because of this, it’s easy to overindulge and get tired of it after a few months to a year. I also understand it probably kind of pisses you off because deep down, you love writing code but at the same time, you are tired of it as well.

Recharging your interest in coding

Every single time that I started to lose my interest in coding, it was because I wasn’t forcing myself to learn new concepts and other technologies associated with it, hence I got bored of it and started to lose interest. But once I started to force myself to discover new concepts, tricks, and techniques, the spark got re-ignited once again because you are back at learning something new.

Your brain doesn’t love to sit still doing the same thing over and over again, it loves to explore and discover new things which could be a new programming language, frameworks, libraries, or just new tricks.

So here’s what todo if you feel like losing your spark.

Go force yourself to discover new concepts and techniques that will improve your knowledge and over all skills, go dive even deeper into what you’re learning and geek out on it completely. It’s a simple trick that will work wonders for you with anything you do in life 🙂

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Is Being a Self-Taught Software Developer Better? Thu, 26 Jan 2023 21:17:09 +0000 So you want to become a software developer, but you are stuck between two cross-roads But which one is truly better and, should you really go to college? Well let’s…

The post Is Being a Self-Taught Software Developer Better? appeared first on Michiel Arkema's Blog.

So you want to become a software developer, but you are stuck between two cross-roads

  1. Become a self-taught software developer
  2. or, study go to college and study it through school

But which one is truly better and, should you really go to college? Well let’s find out.

So as a self-taught software developer myself and also studying software development at college, I will share you my experience from both perspectives which are good and bad.

Is being self-taught the best?

Being self-taught has it’s own share of pros and cons just like anything else but the biggest advantage that I’ve seen is that you are not dependent on what school wants to teach you.

In fact, you can learn way more within 2 months of self-study than you learn at college in a 4 year time span.

But, should you go to college?

It really depends on what you want to do afterward, do you want to work for another company or do you want to become a freelancer?

If you want to work for a company, unfortunately going to school will give you some extra credits, which I disagree with.


Well its simple, going to college does not justify your knowledge of programming at all. In fact, I’ve seen people who just finished college who are horrible at programming while the self-taught developers are actually good.

Besides that, do you want to spend thousands of dollars on education and still be in debt afterward?

And what is your age? are you someone who’s trying to switch careers or did you just turn 18 years of age?

If you are an adult already, you should not go to college at all since it will be a waste of your time. Instead, go study it yourself or get an mentor to help you out.


If you are still under 20 years of age, yes you can go to college but only if you practice your skills during your free time as well. If you only learn it at school, then it’s going to be a waste of your time.

Otherwise, you should become a self-taught developer because not only will you learn way faster, but you will also have way more freedom in what you want to do later with it.

Oh and btw, if you do want to become a software developer but you are tired of all the confusing video tutorials and articles on the internet, go send me a message on my Facebook saying “I want to become a software developer”.
Or check out the program at:

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3 Amazing Benefits Of Becoming A Software Developer Fri, 13 Jan 2023 09:58:05 +0000 Perhaps you are on the brink of learning how to write code and become a software developer. So let me reveal to you 3 amazing benefits that you’ll get when…

The post 3 Amazing Benefits Of Becoming A Software Developer appeared first on Michiel Arkema's Blog.

Perhaps you are on the brink of learning how to write code and become a software developer.

So let me reveal to you 3 amazing benefits that you’ll get when you start writing code!

For starters, you’ll become way better at problem-solving, why?

Well as a developer, it’s your job to find problems and create solutions for them, this will require you to start thinking of various ways of solving a problem.

Hence your ability to solve problems in your daily life will also improve.

Second, You will start to develop a sense of creativity.

See, not all of us are born with a strong sense of creativity and learning how to write code and develop software, you will have to become more creative with finding solutions for your problems.

Third, You will start to get an eye for bad software.

This one is by far the funniest benefit that you’ll get because as you immerse yourself into the world of software, you will start to see that much existing software is just plain bad and created.

This also allows you to come up with your solution and create something better to solve it.

So that’s it, three benefits that you’ll get as a software developer.

Hopefully you enjoyed 🙂

Oh and btw, I recently open a new coaching program called the Software Developer Accelerator and it’s the only place on the internet where people go from zero skills to being able to write code.

You can check it out here:

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How to deal with the feeling of giving up? Fri, 09 Dec 2022 14:56:54 +0000 Hey, fellow friend and coder, throughout your journey as a beginning software developer, you most likely have or will face moments where you want to give up. This feeling is…

The post How to deal with the feeling of giving up? appeared first on Michiel Arkema's Blog.

Hey, fellow friend and coder, throughout your journey as a beginning software developer, you most likely have or will face moments where you want to give up.

This feeling is normal and doesn’t make you anything but more human.

I had these thoughts a lot in the beginning because the journey was difficult, especially if you don’t have access to the right resources and mentors.

There were moments when I was super angry because I couldn’t figure out how to write code.

So, how can you get over this feeling as a developer?

Whenever I wanted to give up, I kept telling myself “that the suffering and struggle I face today will compound into great success in the future.”

Telling yourself will boost your confidence and dedication because it reminds you that your struggle and suffering are only temporary.

I hope this message helped you out 🙂

Your friend: Michiel (I Love Writing Code) Arkema

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