How To Create A Timer In JavaScript?

Hello there my friend & fellow coder,

In this blog post, you’re going to discover exactly how to create a single timer in JavaScript.

So without further ado, let’s get started…

Single Timer

As the name says, a single timer is a timer that only executes once. In JavaScript, we don’t really use the term ‘single timer’ but instead it’s called a ‘timeout’.

So how do you create a timeout?

To create a timeout, you call the function with the name ‘setTimeout’. Now, this is not the end, because this function also takes at least 2 kinds of arguments, these are…

  1. handler – This is the function handler that gets called once the timeout gets executed. (This is often called a ‘callBack’)
  2. timeout – This is the number of milliseconds that it will take before the timeout elapses and the previous ‘callback’ handler gets executed.

Now I know that this sounds pretty cool through text, but let’s actually take a look at a piece of code that showcases the example explained above.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Amazing Timer</title>
<script src="script.js"></script>
function sayHello() {
    console.log("Hello There My friend :)")
const seconds = 3 * 1000 // This converts the milliseconds into seconds.
setTimeout(sayHello, seconds)

Now once you run this code in your browser and watch the console screen. You should see the following message appear after 3 seconds.

This is a screenshot of the text that will appear after 3 seconds in the browser console.

Now, this example is of course, pretty basic and generic. So let’s add some spice by making the timeout run whenever we click a button on the screen, and let’s make it so that we can adjust the timeout seconds with an input field.

To achieve this, let’s add the following html and JavaScript

<input type="number" id="seconds" value="3">
<button id="timerButton">Click Me For Fun :)</button>
function sayHello() {
    console.log("Hello There My friend :)")

const timeInput = document.querySelector('#seconds')
const timerBtn = document.querySelector('#timerButton')

timerBtn.onclick = () => {
    const seconds = parseInt(timeInput.value) * 1000
    setTimeout(sayHello, seconds)

Assignment Take the code above and make your project out of it.

So as you can see, it’s pretty easy to create a quick timeout timer and even make a little project around it, I hope this post was useful to you and that you learned from it as well.

Your friend,

Michiel Arkema

Oh and btw, and I recently opened my first-ever coaching program to the public and I’m super excited about it. That’s why I’ve decided to allow the first 5 people who join to get FREE coaching, no strings attached.

You check out the program here:


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