How To Avoid Losing Interest In Coding

If you’ve been writing code for a few months or years, you most likely had moments where you felt like you lost interest in coding. Understand that this is completely normal, in fact, I’ve had the same happening for me a few times.

That’s why if you read the entire post, you’ll exactly discover what to do when you lose interest in coding.

Let’s get started…

Why did you lose interest in the first place?

Well assuming that writing code is your passion, it probably means that you’ve been writing code every single day. Because of this, it’s easy to overindulge and get tired of it after a few months to a year. I also understand it probably kind of pisses you off because deep down, you love writing code but at the same time, you are tired of it as well.

Recharging your interest in coding

Every single time that I started to lose my interest in coding, it was because I wasn’t forcing myself to learn new concepts and other technologies associated with it, hence I got bored of it and started to lose interest. But once I started to force myself to discover new concepts, tricks, and techniques, the spark got re-ignited once again because you are back at learning something new.

Your brain doesn’t love to sit still doing the same thing over and over again, it loves to explore and discover new things which could be a new programming language, frameworks, libraries, or just new tricks.

So here’s what todo if you feel like losing your spark.

Go force yourself to discover new concepts and techniques that will improve your knowledge and over all skills, go dive even deeper into what you’re learning and geek out on it completely. It’s a simple trick that will work wonders for you with anything you do in life ๐Ÿ™‚


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