The #1 Secret To Achieve Every Goal You’re setting

Let’s be clear if you do not set explicit goals. Then you will never achieve your goals or live the life that you want.

But just because you set goals, doesn’t mean that you will achieve them either. So that’s why when you read this post till the end, you will know exactly what to do in order to achieve every single goal that you’re setting.

Aligning your mind with your goals

Once you have a clear image of what your goals are and what your life will be like in the future, the next step that you have to take is visualizing it.

Now as soon as I used the term “visualizing”, you are probably thinking about “Oh the law of attraction”.

Well the law of attraction does include visualizations but it makes you believe that you can achieve anything by just “imagining” it. This cannot be further from the truth, nothing will happen unless you take action upon it.

So the way that visualizing will work is to start taking action upon what you visualize so that you can achieve it.

Let me give you an example of how to visualize.

How to visualize?

The first step is to make sure that you’re alone in a room and nobody is going to disturb you for the next 5-10 minutes.

Step #2 – Take a comfortable position (preferably sitting) on either your bed or a chair. Close your eyes and take 4 deep breaths where you wait 3 seconds before exhalation and 2 seconds before the next inhalation. Upon each exhalation, loosen your muscles in your body.

This short but effective breathing exercise will put your body in a more calming and relaxing state of mind, which is super important for the next steps.

Step #3 – Now picture yourself living your dream life, or perhaps, having your dream career.

For example, if you want to work as a software developer for a big company, visualize yourself sitting behind the desk working on the computer. Make sure that your image is crystal clear so that it looks real.

Do this for the next 2-3 minutes before moving over to step four.

Step #4 – Now imagine yourself standing in front of a mirror and looking at your reflection. realize the achievements you made and the goals you conquered, smile at yourself, and be happy with the way you are living and your career.

If done correctly, you will feel a rush of happiness flow throughout your body. Use that happiness to move over to step five.

Step #5 – Now go back to the same visualization as you had during the third step but now, take that happiness from the previous step and put it into your current visualization. Feel the happiness that you’re having when you sit behind that desk, or when you’re standing on the balcony of your dream house.

You need to truly feel and live the experience like it’s actually true.

After doing this for around 3-5 minutes, you can open your eyes.

Why is visualization so crucial for your success?

Have you ever relived an happy or sad memory of something that you’ve experience in the past?

Well if so, you either probably got really sad or super happy about it. But you see, that’s where the magic lays. Your mind is the most powerful tool that every human being on planet earth posses, if you want, you can literally change your mood within a split second by just visualizing a happy or sad memory.

Now here’s the kicker, you can do the same thing but for visualizing how your dream life would look like if you achieve all your goals. By putting an image in your brain that looks so real, your subconscious mind thinks that it’s the actual life that you are living in the current moment.

That way, your body will start to take the action that it needs to life that live.

How do I know that this works?

That’s a funny story since I used to do it without knowing that it was called “visualization”. I always used to visualize myself becoming a professional software developer and getting multiple internships at specific government facilities in my country.

And guess what? everything that I visualized, I achieved every single one of.

That’s the power of visualization.

How not to visualize…

One of the biggest mistakes that people make while visualizing is that they visualize their journey.

But you must not do that, instead, you must visualize the moment when you’ve achieved your goals and are living your dream life or having your dream career.

I hope you find this post useful and if you did, leave a comment behind explaining how.

And remember, your dream career is closer than you think it is.

Michiel Out!

Oh and btw, if you want to join the confident coders community, join the Facebook group here


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